02/10/2015. we're saddened by the loss of our site creator elizabeth and extend our greatest sympathy to her family and friends in these troubling times. unfortunately, this means that this site will no longer recieve new games, features or updates. we apologise for this. if anyone has any concerns, you can find our email on the contact page.
01/09/2015. finished a new game. cats it store. sorry it took so long. i think i mmight take a hiatus from the site, im spendding more time with family and dont think ill have time in the future. bye for now.
15/07/2015. sorry for the lack of updates recently >-<, haven't been feeling well and i dont have the energy to write new games and updates :/, hopefully this'll pass, since its rlly annoying!!1!1! im working on a new game between doctor visits :P. herez a hint. o.O computers!!!
23/03/2015. hi!!!! sorry for the prolonged absence, got a new computer for christmas and went on a holiday with my family!!!! new game coming soon
31/12/2014. happy new years \^.^/, my new years resolution is to get 3000 visits for da site in a month!! if u have any friends, tell them about this site!!
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Tokyo is the capital of Japan.


Tokyo is the capital of Japan.